Stay Current 2023

The GSS email list (google group) receives “Stay Current” articles (excerpts and links to the source articles). To receive them email with subject line “Join GSS”. Please give your city, state, country, and your school (if you’re a teacher). See also “Stay Current” links in each book’s Contents table. Some news sources limit the […]

TG Energy Use

{ GSS Teacher Guide Index } { All GSS Books } ~{}~ Objectives [] Planning [] Assessment [] ResourcesGuides for each Chapter: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10Index of TG Investigations Teaching Objectives Energy Use is about the ways that humans use energy. […]

Teacher Guide for GSS

{ To GSS Books } TEACHER GUIDE CONTENTS Introduction 1. Map of the GSS Course 4. How Can I Customize GSS for My Students? 7. How is GSS Related to Science Education Reform? 2. What is Global Systems Science? 5. What Teaching Methods Should I Use? 8. How Was GSS Created? 3. What Will My […]

EU10C. 2009-2014 Our Energy Future

Staying current for Chapter 10 Articles from 2009–2014 Stay current index page for chapter 10 { Energy Use Contents } 2014-12-21. Energy-Storage Plans Gain Ground in California. By Matthew L. Wald, The New York Times. Excerpt: In an unusual competition in California, proposals for energy storage systems beat out hundreds of bids to construct new power plants as […]

EU10C. 2003–2008 Our Energy Future

Staying current for Chapter 10 Articles from 2003–2008 Stay current index page for chapter 10 { Energy Use Contents } 2008 2008 Dec. Pelamis Wave Power. Marine-power firm Ocean Power Technologies… New report suggests Great Britain could derive 20 percent of energy needs from ocean power…ScottishPower is going big with tidal, as Scottish waters open up for the […]

EU10C. Stay Current—Our Energy Future

Staying current for Chapter 10 See non-chronological resources Articles from:{2015–2021}-{2003–2008}-{2009-2014} { Energy Use Contents } 2024-07-16. California’s grid passed the reliability test this heat wave. It’s all about giant batteries. By ARI PLACHTA, Sacramento Bee. Excerpt: California’s power grid emerged from a nearly three weeklong record-setting heat wave relatively unscathed, and officials are crediting years of investment […]

EU9C. Stay Current—Energy for Transportation

Staying current for Chapter 9 See non-chronological resources Articles from:{2014–2021}-{2009–2013}-{2003-2008}Additional Topics (Fuel, Electric Vehicles, Automobiles) { Energy Use Contents } Latest articles (2024, 2023, 2022)  2024-06-13. A ‘liquid battery’ advance. By Stanford Report. Excerpt: …Robert Waymouth, …is leading a Stanford team to explore an emerging technology for renewable energy storage: liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs). Hydrogen is […]

EU9C. Additional Topics

{ Energy Use Contents } { All GSS Books } Automobiles Advanced Transportation Technologies Alternative Power – “Lessons from the Past, Inspiration for the Future of Automobilies.” Essay and photographs accompanying an exhibit at the Peterson Automotive Museum in Los Angeles.Burns, Lawrence D., McCormick, J. Byron, and Borroni-Bird, Christopher E., Vehicle of Change, Scientific American, Oct 2002, […]

EU9C. 2009–2013 Energy for Transportation

Staying current for Chapter 9 Articles from 2009–2013 Stay current index page for chapter 9 { Energy Use Contents } 2013-09-10.  Study: Panda Poo May Be Coup for Future of Biofuels.    Excerpt: …bacteria in panda feces could help make biofuel production more efficient. …more than 40 different microbes living in the guts of giant pandas at the […]

EU9C. 2003-2008 Energy for Transportation

Staying current for Chapter 9 Articles from 2003–2008 Stay current index page for chapter 9 { Energy Use Contents } 2008 December 15. Waste Coffee Grounds Offer New Source Of Biodiesel Fuel.Science Daily. Excerpt: Researchers in Nevada are reporting that waste coffee grounds can provide a cheap, abundant, and environmentally friendly source of biodiesel fuel for powering cars […]