Stay Current 2023

The GSS email list (google group) receives “Stay Current” articles (excerpts and links to the source articles). To receive them email with subject line “Join GSS”. Please give your city, state, country, and your school (if you’re a teacher). See also “Stay Current” links in each book’s Contents table. Some news sources limit the […]

TG A New World View

{ GSS Teacher Guide Index } { All GSS Books } {} Objectives [] Assessment [] Resources Guides for each Chapter: 1 – 2 – 3– 4 – 5 – 6 Teaching Objectives A New World View introduces all of the other Guides in the Global Systems Scienceseries, and presents key ideas that thread through the entire […]

Teacher Guide for GSS

{ To GSS Books } TEACHER GUIDE CONTENTS Introduction 1. Map of the GSS Course 4. How Can I Customize GSS for My Students? 7. How is GSS Related to Science Education Reform? 2. What is Global Systems Science? 5. What Teaching Methods Should I Use? 8. How Was GSS Created? 3. What Will My […]

Software for GSS

Apps for Digital Earth Watch investigations and challenges Images to use with AnalyzingDigitalImages are in the materials lists of each investigation or challenge. Apps for A Changing Cosmos investigations Investigations that require image processing apps are marked with an asterisk in the Table of Contents for A Changing Cosmos. Links to required images are in […]

CC9C-2013-What Are Governments Doing About Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 9 Articles from 2013–2019 Stay current index page for Chapter 9 { Climate Change Contents } 2019-12-15. U.N. Climate Talks End With Few Commitments and a ‘Lost’ Opportunity. By Somini Sengupta, The New York Times.  [] Excerpt: In what was widely denounced as one of the worst outcomes in a quarter-century of […]

CC4C. Stay Current—What Is Global Warming?

Stay current for Chapter 4 { Climate Change Contents } See non-chronological resources (bottom of page). 2024-04-10. Ocean Heat Has Shattered Records for More Than a Year. What’s Happening? [] By Delger Erdenesanaa, The New York Times. Excerpt: The ocean has now broken temperature records every day for more than a year. And so far, […]


{ GSS Books } The people who made the Global Systems Science books possible On this page: GSS Staff Reviewers by Book GSS Advisors Thanks to Teacher Reviewers Sources of Support Staff – Reviewers – Advisors – Teachers – Support GSS Staff Director:     Alan Gould Series Authors:      Richard Golden        Alan Gould        Cary SneiderJohn Michael […]

Bibliography for A New World View

{ A New World View Contents } { All GSS Books } Our sources, categorized by topic Global Environmental Change Brown, Lester R., Building a Sustainable Society, N.Y.: W.W. Norton & Company, 1981. Brown, Lester R., Flavin, Christopher, and Postel, Sandra, Saving the Planet: How to Shape an Environmentally Sustainable Global Economy, New York, London: […]

AN6C. Stay Current—Towards a Sustainable World

2024-04-03. Satellite signals can measure a forest’s moisture—and its ability to survive. [] By SEAN CUMMINGS, Eos/AGU. Excerpt: The same radio signals that enable your smartphone to pinpoint your location may also reveal how much water a forest holds within its foliage. By measuring how much GPS satellite signals weakened as they passed through a […]

AN5C. Stay Current—Losing Tropical Rainforests

Staying current for Chapter 5 { A New World View Contents } Non-chronological items: Canopy in the Clouds – A project that uses immersive multimedia from the tropical montane cloud forests of Monteverde, Costa Rica as a platform for earth and life science education. Includes 26 lessons on topics ranging from science process skills to soil […]