Stay Current 2023

The GSS email list (google group) receives “Stay Current” articles (excerpts and links to the source articles). To receive them email with subject line “Join GSS”. Please give your city, state, country, and your school (if you’re a teacher). See also “Stay Current” links in each book’s Contents table. Some news sources limit the […]

CC10C. 2022-What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 10 Articles from 2022 Stay current index page for Chapter 10 { Climate Change Contents } 2023-12-31. Greta Thunberg ends year with one of the greatest tweets in history. [] By Rebecca Solnit, The Guardian. Excerpt: On 27 December, former kickboxer, professional misogynist and online entrepreneur Andrew Tate, 36, sent a boastfully hostile […]

CC9C. 2022-What Are Governments Doing About Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 9 Articles from 2022 Stay current index page for Chapter 9 { Climate Change Contents } 2022-12-20. Congress Offers $1 Billion for Climate Aid, Falling Short of Biden’s Pledge. [] By Lisa Friedman, The New York Times. Excerpt: …Congress has proposed $1 billion to help poor countries cope with climate change, […]

TG Climate Change

{ GSS Teacher Guide Index } { All GSS Books } {} Overview [] Planning [] Objectives [] Assessment [] Resources Guides for each Chapter: 1 – 2 – 3– 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10Index of Investigations Overview Climate Change addresses the controversial question of how human […]

Teacher Guide for GSS

{ To GSS Books } TEACHER GUIDE CONTENTS Introduction 1. Map of the GSS Course 4. How Can I Customize GSS for My Students? 7. How is GSS Related to Science Education Reform? 2. What is Global Systems Science? 5. What Teaching Methods Should I Use? 8. How Was GSS Created? 3. What Will My […]

CC10C. Staying Current—What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 10 See non-chronological resources Articles from: {2022}-{2021}-{2020}-{2012–2019}-{2008–2011}-{2001–2007} { Climate Change Contents } Articles from 2023–24 (most recent) 2024-08-14. Will regulators OK controversial effort to supercharge ocean’s ability to absorb carbon? By Warren Cornwall, Science. Excerpt: Geoengineering study that would disperse alkaline chemicals off Cape Cod draws environmental opposition. Adam Subhas …has spent […]

CC10C. 2020-What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 10 Articles from 2020 Stay current index page for Chapter 10 { Climate Change Contents } 2022-08-20. Diet for a hotter climate: five plants that could help feed the world. [] By Cecilia Nowell, The Guardian. Excerpt: Over the course of human history, scientists believe that humans have cultivated more than 6,000 […]

CC10C. 2012-What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 10 Articles from 2012–2019 Stay current index page for Chapter 10 { Climate Change Contents } 2019-12-29. Our Cherished Rivers Are Under Threat. By Macarena Soler, Monti Aguirre and Juan Pablo Orrego, The New York Times (Opinion).  [] Excerpt: … rivers, like many worldwide, have been threatened by dam projects that aim […]

CC10C. 2001-2007-What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 10 Articles from 2001–2007 Stay current index page for Chapter 10 { Climate Change Contents } 2007 November 28. McKinsey Report on Carbon Reductions.2007 November 20. “The Sky is Falling.” Short video that won the Ecospot Award. 2007 December 10. Al Gore’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech. 2007 December 3. Climate Talks Take on Added Urgency After Report. By […]

CC10C. 2008—What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

{ Climate Change Contents } { All GSS Books } Articles from 2008–2011 2011 Dec 14. COP17: U.S and Canadian Youth Demand Generational Justice. By Martha Shaw.  Posted on Corporate Social Responsibility Newswire. Excerpt: Claiming that she was speaking on behalf of her country, [Abigail] Borah said  that the negotiators themselves “cannot speak on behalf of […]