OZ3. The Danger of UV to Living Things

Chapter 3 { Ozone Contents } When the Earth was unprotected by the ozone layer, the full strength of the Sun’s ultraviolet energy prevented living things from existing outside of the protection of water.  After the ozone layer formed, life was able to evolve on land. Although the ozone absorbed most of the Sun’s ultraviolet […]

OZ2. Ozone in Nature

Chapter 2 { Ozone Contents } In order to understand the mystery of why ozone over the South Pole was being destroyed, it is necessary to learn more about ozone and other chemicals that affect it. This will be the subject of Chapters 2, 3, and 4. We’ll return to the mystery in Chapter 5. […]

OZ1. Strange Happenings

Chapter 1 { Ozone Contents } Something strange is happening… There is the possibility of danger… Unknown forces are at work, but there are clues … These are the elements of a mystery, a mystery that cries out for investigation. Solving mysteries is exciting, and it is at the core of what the scientific endeavor is […]


OZONE is a success story about how people around the globe are cooperating to solve a serious environmental problem. See Overview. Contents Chapter Titles Investigations Stay Current 1. Strange Happenings Chapter 1 2. Ozone in Nature 2.1 Sun’s Spectrum Chapter 2 3. The Danger of UV to Living Things 3.1 Melanoma Increasing3.2 Sunscreens3.3 Sunglasses3.4 Effect […]

LC13C. Stay Current—What Does Earth’s Past Tell Us About Our Future?

Staying current for Chapter 13 { Life and Climate Contents } 2023-03-16. Tonga Eruption May Temporarily Push Earth Closer to 1.5°C of Warming. [https://eos.org/articles/tonga-eruption-may-temporarily-push-earth-closer-to-1-5c-of-warming] By J. Besl, Eos/AGU. Excerpt: The underwater eruption of Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai sent megatons of water vapor into the stratosphere, contributing to an increase in global warming over the next 5 […]

LC12C. Stay Current—Climate & Culture

Staying current for Chapter 12 { Life and Climate Contents } 2023-09-13. Eclipse Records Pin Dates of 12th and 13th Century Eruptions. [https://eos.org/articles/eclipse-records-pin-dates-of-12th-and-13th-century-eruptions] By Kate Evans, Eos/AGU. Excerpt: …ancient observations of rare dark lunar eclipses have recently taken on new importance after scientists used the records to date notable volcanic eruptions that occurred nearly a […]

LC11C. Stay Current—Climate and Human Evolution

Staying current for Chapter 11 { Life and Climate Contents } 2024-01-08. Strong monsoons may have carved a path for early humans out of Africa. [https://www.science.org/content/article/strong-monsoons-may-have-carved-path-early-humans-out-africa] By BRIDGET ALEX, Science. Excerpt: More than 140,000 years ago, East Asia was a much colder, drier place than today—a landscape that likely deterred many African creatures, humans among […]

LC10C. Stay Current—The Ice Ages

Staying current for Chapter 10 { Life and Climate Contents } 2024-08-01. Size of tropical glaciers at lowest point in at least 11,000 years. By Robert Sanders, UC Berkeley News. Excerpt: Glaciers are retreating around the world as the planet warms, but scientists have debated how severe the shrinkage is compared to periodic glacial advances […]

LC9C. Stay Current—What Happened to the Dinosaurs?

Staying current for Chapter 9 { Life and Climate Contents } 2023-04-26. Do Volcanoes Add More Carbon Than They Take Away?. [https://eos.org/research-spotlights/do-volcanoes-add-more-carbon-than-they-take-away] By Saima May Sidik, Eos/AGU. Excerpt: In a new study, Zhong et al. discovered that a volcano in northeast China emits a small net amount of carbon each year. Over geological timescales, that could have […]