Stay Current 2023

The GSS email list (google group) receives “Stay Current” articles (excerpts and links to the source articles). To receive them email with subject line “Join GSS”. Please give your city, state, country, and your school (if you’re a teacher). See also “Stay Current” links in each book’s Contents table. Some news sources limit the […]

TG Losing Biodiversity

{ GSS Teacher Guide Index } { All GSS Books } ~{}~ Objectives [] Assessment [] ResourcesGuides for each Chapter: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 Teaching Objectives Goal 1: Students appreciate how we depend on the biodiversity of our planet. Objective 1A: Students can tell others […]

Teacher Guide for GSS

{ To GSS Books } TEACHER GUIDE CONTENTS Introduction 1. Map of the GSS Course 4. How Can I Customize GSS for My Students? 7. How is GSS Related to Science Education Reform? 2. What is Global Systems Science? 5. What Teaching Methods Should I Use? 8. How Was GSS Created? 3. What Will My […]

LB7C. Stay Current—One Global Ocean

Staying current for Chapter 7 See Non-chronological resources for this chapter { Losing Biodiversity Contents } 2024-08-27. Salmon will soon swim freely in the Klamath River for first time in a century once dams are removed. By HALLIE GOLDEN, AP. Excerpt: For the first time in more than a century, salmon will soon have free […]

LB6C. Stay Current—Field Trip: Predatory Bird Research Group

Staying current for Chapter 6 { Losing Biodiversity Contents } 2022-11-28. Top-flight recovery: the inspiring comeback of the California condor. [] By Patrick Greenfield, The Guardian. Excerpt: Nearly extinct in the 1980s, an intensive programme to reverse the bird’s decline has made it a conservation success story. Despite being the largest flying bird in North […]

LB5C. Stay Current—The Living Skin of the Earth

Staying current for Chapter 5 See Non-chronological resources for this chapter { Losing Biodiversity Contents } 2024-08-10. Can Dirt Clean the Climate? By Somini Sengupta, The New York Times. Excerpt: Across 100,000 acres in the vast agricultural heartland of Australia, an unusual approach is taking root to slow down the wrecking ball of climate change. […]

LB4C. Stay Current—The Puzzle of Inheritance

Staying current for Chapter 4 See Non-chronological resources for this chapter { Losing Biodiversity Contents } 2024-05-03. What a Philippine court ruling means for transgenic Golden Rice, once hailed as a dietary breakthrough. By DENNIS NORMILE, Science. Excerpt: Golden Rice seemed to be on the cusp of fulfilling its promise. Decades ago, researchers created the […]

LB3C. Stay Current—The Origins of Species

Staying current for Chapter 3 See Non-chronological resources for this chapter { Losing Biodiversity Contents } 2024-05-24. Stripey stick insects show evolution can repeat itself—predictably. By CATHERINE OFFORD, Science. Excerpt: Does evolution repeat itself? The answer to this long-standing question may be one step closer thanks to research on the crawly living twigs known as […]

LB2C. Stay Current—The Trail Back from Near Extinction

Staying current for Chapter 2  { Losing Biodiversity Contents } 2023-10-16. Blood Memory–The American Buffalo. [] or [] Documentary By Ken Burns. Description: For untold generations, America’s national mammal sustained the lives of Native people, whose cultures were intertwined with the animal. Newcomers to the continent bring a different view of the natural world, and […]

LB1C. Stay Current—Seeking Biodiversity

Staying current for Chapter 1 {2021}-{2011–2020}-{2001–2010} See Non-chronological resources { Losing Biodiversity Contents } 2024-07-15. Loss of India’s vultures may have led to deaths of half a million people. By VIVIAN LA, Science. Excerpt: Vultures …serve an important role in protecting human life, a new study finds. The near-extinction of the birds across India in […]