EF5. What Is Light?

Chapter 5 { Energy Flow Contents } It is 10°C below zero outdoors, and the snow is piled high against the walls of the Tromsø Planetarium—the most northerly planetarium in the world.  But it’s warm and cozy indoors, where Planetarium Director Franck Petersson shows us some of his most recent photographs of the aurora borealis, […]

EF4. How Does the Sun Shine?

Chapter 4 { Energy Flow Contents } An outdoor expedition once brought a group of high school students to the top of a bare plateau in the middle of the night. Even though it was July, the night air was cold and the wind was blowing strongly. The wind thwarted their efforts to build a […]

EF3. What Heats the Earth’s Interior?

Chapter 3 { Energy Flow Contents } The convection currents discussed in the last chapter explain most of the world’s volcanoes, because most volcanoes occur along the edges of plates. In some of these places, the rift zones, plates are spreading apart, so magma comes up from below to cause the volcanoes. In other cases, […]

EF2. Why Do Volcanoes Erupt?

Chapter 2 { Energy Flow Contents } It was Harry Truman’s last day on Earth. That’s Harry Truman from Washington State—not Harry Truman, the former President from Washington D.C. They were unrelated, but they had more in common than their names. Both were men of principle. Both were decisive. And neither one of them would […]

EF1. What Is Energy?

Chapter 1 { Energy Flow Contents } You lean out of the window, far enough to feel the breeze on your face. The City is spread out beneath you. New York. The Big Apple. A million moving points of light seem to throb with energy. Cars move across the Brooklyn Bridge. People walk the sidewalks. […]

Bibliography for Energy Flow

{ Energy Flow Contents } { All GSS Books } Alvarez, Walter, Alvarez, Luis Michel, Helen, and Asaro, Frank, Science, June 6, 1980. Alvarez, Walter and Asaro, Frank, and Courtillot, Vincent E., “What Caused the Mass Extinction?” Scientific American, Vol. 263, No. 4, page 76-92, October, 1990. Armbruster, Ann, and Taylor, Elizabeth A., Tornadoes, New […]

Energy Flow

ENERGY FLOW is about how energy moves through the atmosphere, oceans, land, and living things. See Overview. Contents Chapters Investigations Stay Current 1. What Is Energy? Chapter 1 2. Why Do Volcanoes Erupt? 2.1. Subduction Zone Map Chapter 2 3. What Heat’s the Earth’s Interior? 3.1 Convection Chapter 3 4. How Does the Sun Shine? […]

EC7C. Stay Current—Neighborhood and Global Stewardship

Staying current for Chapter 7 See also articles from{2008–2021} and {1998–2007} See non-chronological resources for this chapter. { Ecosystem Change Contents } 2024-08-28. Restaurants loved this plan to end takeout waste. Why did it fail? By Cecilia Seiter, Berkeleyside. Excerpt: At the height of COVID-19 lockdowns, when restaurants survived off takeout and delivery and residential […]

EC7C. 1998–2007 Neighborhood and Global Stewardship

Staying current for Chapter 7 Articles from 1998–2007 Stay current index page for Chapter 7 { Ecosystem Change Contents } 2007 December 22. As Cars Hit More Animals on Roads, Toll Rises. By JIM ROBBINS, NY Times. Excerpt: BOZEMAN, Mont. – On a dark highway near Anchorage, Specialist Steven Cavanaugh of the Army, who had survived 300 […]

EC6C. Stay Current—Carbon in the Biosphere

Staying current for Chapter 6 See also articles from{2009–2021}-{2002–2008} { Ecosystem Change Contents } Excellent video (15 minutes): Mountain Lions in Nebraska (2011)  Latest articles (2022–2023) 2024-02-08. Rat poison threatens Italy’s growing wolf population. [https://www.science.org/content/article/rat-poison-threatens-italy-s-growing-wolf-population] By GENNARO TOMMA, Science. Excerpt: …results, published online last month in Science of the Total Environment, revealed that the rodenticide threat could be […]