EF7C. Stay Current—What Causes Thunderstorms and Tornadoes?

Staying current for Chapter 7 See Non-chronological Resources. { Energy Flow Contents } -•-2024-08-07. Warm Air and Warm Oceans Power Storms Like Debby. By Raymond Zhong, The New York Times. Excerpt: Tropical Storm Debby’s time back at sea on Wednesday was helping it recharge somewhat before it was expected to drift back onto the South […]

EF6C. Stay Current—How Does Energy Flow in the Atmosphere?

Staying current for Chapter 6 { Energy Flow Contents } Water Cycle movieAtmospheric Circulation – 18 multimedia resources from Teachers’ Domain Earth and Space Science multimedia resources (movies and interactives). See also: GSS Climate Change. 2024-02-06. Massive solar farms could provoke rainclouds in the desert. [https://www.science.org/content/article/massive-solar-farms-could-provoke-rainclouds-desert] By PAUL VOOSEN, Science. Excerpt: The heat from large expanses of […]

EF5C. Stay Current—What Is Light?

Staying current for Chapter 5 See non-chronological resources (bottom of this page) { Energy Flow Contents } 2024-05-13. The biggest disturbance of Earth’s magnetic field in more than 20 years dazzled onlookers the world over. By MICHAEL GRESHKO, Science. Excerpt: Earth got its bell rung this past weekend, sucker-punched by the Sun itself in the […]

EF3C. Stay Current—What Heats the Earth’s Interior?

Staying current for Chapter 3 { Energy Flow Contents } California Earthquake animation site at USGS Deep Carbon Observatory 2024-08-07. Waves rippling under continents could explain mysterious plateaus around the world. By Hannah Richter, Science. Excerpt: In the early 1900s, when German meteorologist Alfred Wegener first proposed ideas that would later be developed into the theory […]

EF2C. Stay Current—Why Do Volcanoes Erupt?

Staying current for Chapter 2 See articles from: {2008–2020}-{2002–2007}. See non-chronological resources (bottom of this page) { Energy Flow Contents } 2024-08-22. Atmospheric Effects of Hunga Tonga Eruption Lingered for Years. By Rebecca Owen, Eos/AGU. Excerpt: On 15 January 2022, the underwater volcano Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai erupted, unleashing a powerful tsunami that destroyed homes and caused four […]

EF2C. 2002-2007 Why Do Volcanoes Erupt?

{ Energy Flow Contents } { All GSS Books } 2007 November 1. Is the ocean carbon sink sinking? RealClimate website. –David. Excerpt: The past few weeks and years have seen a bushel of papers finding that the natural world, in particular perhaps the ocean, is getting fed up with absorbing our CO2… evidence that the hypothesized carbon cycle […]

EF1C. Stay Current—What Is Energy?

Staying current for Chapter 1 { Energy Flow Contents } 2001 November. Birth of a Large Iceberg in Pine Island Bay, Antarctica [223kb PDF NASA Lithograph] This lithograph shows the break-off of a large tabular iceberg from the Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica. This event occurred between November 4th and 12th, 2001, and provides powerful evidence […]

Bibliography for Energy Flow

{ Energy Flow Contents } { All GSS Books } Alvarez, Walter, Alvarez, Luis Michel, Helen, and Asaro, Frank, Science, June 6, 1980. Alvarez, Walter and Asaro, Frank, and Courtillot, Vincent E., “What Caused the Mass Extinction?” Scientific American, Vol. 263, No. 4, page 76-92, October, 1990. Armbruster, Ann, and Taylor, Elizabeth A., Tornadoes, New […]

Energy Flow

ENERGY FLOW is about how energy moves through the atmosphere, oceans, land, and living things. See Overview. Contents Chapters Investigations Stay Current 1. What Is Energy? Chapter 1 2. Why Do Volcanoes Erupt? 2.1. Subduction Zone Map Chapter 2 3. What Heat’s the Earth’s Interior? 3.1 Convection Chapter 3 4. How Does the Sun Shine? […]

EC7C. Stay Current—Neighborhood and Global Stewardship

Staying current for Chapter 7 See also articles from{2008–2021} and {1998–2007} See non-chronological resources for this chapter. { Ecosystem Change Contents } 2024-08-28. Restaurants loved this plan to end takeout waste. Why did it fail? By Cecilia Seiter, Berkeleyside. Excerpt: At the height of COVID-19 lockdowns, when restaurants survived off takeout and delivery and residential […]