LC2. Where Did Earth’s Atmosphere Come From?

Chapter 2 { Life and Climate Contents } Early Ideas About the Origin of the Solar System In 1755, Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, published his theory of the origin of the solar system. Kant acknowledged in his essay that he first got his ideas from reading a detailed account of Thomas Wright’s theory of […]

LC1.1. Can You Observe The Effects of Air Pressure?

{ Life and Climate Contents } { All GSS Books } Air pressure is all around us. We live in a sea of air, but it’s hard to see its effects. Here’s an activity that will help you see the power of air pressure. You will need: an empty aluminum soda can a hot plate […]

LC1. Discovering the Atmosphere

Chapter 1 { Life and Climate Contents } What’s This Book About? The cartoon refers to global warming­—the theory that Earth’s average temperature is gradually increasing due to the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gas, which are burned primarily by cars and in factories. If Earth were a patient […]

Life and Climate

LIFE AND CLIMATE is about how our atmosphere and climate came to be as they are today; how life on Earth evolved; and how the evolution of life and climate have affected each other since the Earth was formed. See Overview. Contents Chapter Titles Investigations Stay Current 1. Discovering the Atmosphere 1.1 Air Pressure1.2. Draw […]

CC10C. Staying Current—What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 10 See non-chronological resources Articles from: {2022}-{2021}-{2020}-{2012–2019}-{2008–2011}-{2001–2007} { Climate Change Contents } Articles from 2023–24 (most recent) 2024-08-14. Will regulators OK controversial effort to supercharge ocean’s ability to absorb carbon? By Warren Cornwall, Science. Excerpt: Geoengineering study that would disperse alkaline chemicals off Cape Cod draws environmental opposition. Adam Subhas …has spent […]

CC10C. 2020-What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 10 Articles from 2020 Stay current index page for Chapter 10 { Climate Change Contents } 2022-08-20. Diet for a hotter climate: five plants that could help feed the world. [] By Cecilia Nowell, The Guardian. Excerpt: Over the course of human history, scientists believe that humans have cultivated more than 6,000 […]

CC10C. 2012-What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 10 Articles from 2012–2019 Stay current index page for Chapter 10 { Climate Change Contents } 2019-12-29. Our Cherished Rivers Are Under Threat. By Macarena Soler, Monti Aguirre and Juan Pablo Orrego, The New York Times (Opinion).  [] Excerpt: … rivers, like many worldwide, have been threatened by dam projects that aim […]

CC10C. 2001-2007-What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 10 Articles from 2001–2007 Stay current index page for Chapter 10 { Climate Change Contents } 2007 November 28. McKinsey Report on Carbon Reductions.2007 November 20. “The Sky is Falling.” Short video that won the Ecospot Award. 2007 December 10. Al Gore’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech. 2007 December 3. Climate Talks Take on Added Urgency After Report. By […]

CC10C. 2008—What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

{ Climate Change Contents } { All GSS Books } Articles from 2008–2011 2011 Dec 14. COP17: U.S and Canadian Youth Demand Generational Justice. By Martha Shaw.  Posted on Corporate Social Responsibility Newswire. Excerpt: Claiming that she was speaking on behalf of her country, [Abigail] Borah said  that the negotiators themselves “cannot speak on behalf of […]

CC9C. Staying Current-What Are Governments Doing About Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 9 See non-chronological resources (bottom of this page) {2022}-{2021}-{2020}-{2013-2019}-{2008-2012} { Climate Change Contents } Articles from 2023 (most recent articles) Stay current index page for Chapter 9 { Climate Change Contents } 2024-07-10. As Climate Toll Grows, FEMA Imposes Limits on Building in Flood Plains. By Christopher Flavelle, The New York […]