About Self-Organizing Systems

{ To Index of GSS Books } Self-Organizing Systems: A Unifying Paradigm for Science Education  Richard Golden and Cary Sneider April, 2013 Nature, in the systems view, is a sphere of complex and delicate organization. Systems communicate with systems and form supersystems. Strands of order appear and out of increasingly complex levels of organization novel properties […]

About Activism or Education

{ All GSS Books } Implications for Achieving Science Literacy by Dr. Cary I. Sneider, Vice President for ProgramsMuseum of Science, Science Park, Boston, MA 02114-1099 Presented at the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2000, IEEE) Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, July 24-28, 2000. In the post-Sputnik era the goal of science education in the United […]

About FAQ

{ All GSS Books } Frequently Asked Questions Is there a pdf version of the book that is better for printing?    Answer: Not at present. This was a decision that was made in 2005 to make GSS all-digital online, for cost savings as well as for facilitating rapid implementation of revisions and improvements. Most […]

PG8C. Stay Current—Choosing a World

Staying current for Chapter 8 See non-chronological resources { Population Growth Contents } 2023-10-28. The World Is Becoming More African. [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/10/28/world/africa/africa-youth-population.html] By Declan Walsh, The New York Times. Excerpt: Astonishing change is underway in Africa, where the population is projected to nearly double to 2.5 billion over the next quarter-century. …The median age on the […]

PG7C. Stay Current—Can We Limit Human Population Growth?

Staying current for Chapter 7 { Population Growth Contents } 2022-07-01. For scientists, Roe’s end raises concerns about personal safety and professional choices. [https://www.science.org/content/article/scientists-roe-s-end-raises-concerns-about-personal-safety-and-professional-choices] By Katie Langin, Science Magazine. Excerpt: When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on 24 June, eliminating the constitutional right to an abortion and handing decisions about abortion access to state legislators, the […]

PG5C. Stay Current—The Environmental Impact of Populations

Staying current for Chapter 5 See non-chronological resources { Population Growth Contents } 2024-05-18. Mexico City Has Long Thirsted for Water. The Crisis Is Worsening. By James Wagner, Emiliano Rodríguez Mega and Somini Sengupta, The New York Times. Excerpt: A system of dams and canals may soon be unable to provide water to one of the world’s largest […]

PG4C. Stay Current—The History of Human Population Growth

Staying current for Chapter 4 See non-chronological resources { Population Growth Contents } 2024-04-02. Population tipping point could arrive by 2030. [https://www.science.org/content/article/population-tipping-point-could-arrive-2030] By TYLER SANTORA, Science. Excerpt: Two point one: That’s how many children everyone able to give birth must have to keep the human population from beginning to fall. Demographers have long expected the […]

PG3C. Stay Current—Population Reproduction, Growth, and Change Over Time

Staying current for Chapter 3 { Population Growth Contents } 2024-01-05. Protecting and connecting landscapes stabilizes populations of the Endangered savannah elephant. [https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adk2896] By RYAN M. HUANG , CELESTÉ MARÉ, ROBERT A. R. GULDEMOND , STUART L. PIMM, AND RUDI J. VAN AARDEA, Science. Excerpt: African savannahs cover …almost half of the continent, of which 10% is protected (1) and …16% sustain globally Endangered savannah elephants […]

PG2C. Stay Current—Patterns in Populations

Staying current for Chapter 2 { Population Growth Contents } 2019-10-11. Giant reptiles once ruled Australia. Their loss sparked an ecological disaster. By John Pickrell, Science Magazine. Excerpt: BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA—Saber-toothed cats, short-faced bears, and other ferocious mammals were the top predators of the ice age across most of the world. But not in Australia. Here, […]

PG1C. Stay Current—What Is a Population?

Staying current for Chapter 1 See non-chronological resources { Population Growth Contents } 2024-07-16. 5,000 feral pigs were killed to save a California national park. By Erin Rode for SFgate. Excerpt: Today, the major islands of Channel Islands National Park appear dominated by tiny foxes. …until recently, the unique species was considered endangered, driven nearly to extinction […]