OZ11. Hazards of Ozone in the Troposphere

Chapter 11 { Ozone Contents } There is another health problem resulting from changing levels of ozone in the atmosphere, but this involves increasing concentrations of ozone near the ground. Due to its highly reactive nature, breathing ozone is quite harmful. It affects your health and the environment. I. Effects of Tropospheric Ozone On Health […]

OZ8. Measuring Ozone

Chapter 8 { Ozone Contents } Accurate measurements of stratospheric ozone identified the ozone problem in the mid-1980s.  Accurate measurements are still needed to learn more about the complicated atmospheric chemistry involved and to monitor how the ozone layer responds as CFCs are phased out. The longest continuous record of ozone measurements extends almost 80 […]

OZ6. The Loss of ’84 and the Surprise of ’85

Chapter 6 { Ozone Contents } Joe Farman shook his head. “Oh, no! Again—the same problem.”  He had checked and rechecked the instrument, a spectrophotometer, which can accurately and precisely measure the intensity of a particular wavelength or color of light. Last year, back in England, the instrument had been completely rebuilt. It was now […]

OZ3. The Danger of UV to Living Things

Chapter 3 { Ozone Contents } When the Earth was unprotected by the ozone layer, the full strength of the Sun’s ultraviolet energy prevented living things from existing outside of the protection of water.  After the ozone layer formed, life was able to evolve on land. Although the ozone absorbed most of the Sun’s ultraviolet […]

OZ2. Ozone in Nature

Chapter 2 { Ozone Contents } In order to understand the mystery of why ozone over the South Pole was being destroyed, it is necessary to learn more about ozone and other chemicals that affect it. This will be the subject of Chapters 2, 3, and 4. We’ll return to the mystery in Chapter 5. […]


OZONE is a success story about how people around the globe are cooperating to solve a serious environmental problem. See Overview. Contents Chapter Titles Investigations Stay Current 1. Strange Happenings Chapter 1 2. Ozone in Nature 2.1 Sun’s Spectrum Chapter 2 3. The Danger of UV to Living Things 3.1 Melanoma Increasing3.2 Sunscreens3.3 Sunglasses3.4 Effect […]

LC13. What Does Earth’s Past Tell Us About Our Future?

Chapter 13 { Life and Climate Contents } In Life and Climate we have seen how Earth’s changing climate and evolving life forms have influenced each other over the past 4.6 billion years of our planet’s history. In the first part of this chapter we briefly review highlights of this fascinating story. In the last […]

LC12. Climate and Culture

Chapter 12 { Life and Climate Contents } I. New Ways of Living and Thinking Although anatomically modern human beings had evolved by 100,000 years ago, there is little evidence that they lived and behaved differently from Homo erectus. However, evidence shows that major changes were beginning to get under way about 50,000 years ago. […]

LC8.1. Dissolving Rocks

{ Life and Climate Contents } { All GSS Books } In the laboratory, you can simulate the process of chemical weathering by setting up an arrangement as shown here. This apparatus will allow you to control drops of soda water (carbonic acid, H2CO3) to drip onto limestone (CaCO3) for a few days, and collect […]

LC8. Highs and Lows Over the Past 750 Million Years

Chapter 8 { Life and Climate Contents } Volcanoes that occur near the edges of continents are called strato or ash volcanoes.  Volcanoes like Mount St. Helens were responsible for major changes in past climates because of the important role they played in the long-term carbon cycle.  While they sometimes produce lava, they are more […]