AC7. Planet-Star Systems

Chapter 7 { A Changing Cosmos Contents } We wonder “Where did we come from, in the big scheme of things?” That leads to questions of how our planet began, which in turn leads to the question, “Where did our Solar System come from?” and “Where did the Universe come from?” That last question will […]

AC6.1. Finding Supernovae

Investigation AC6.1 { A Changing Cosmos Contents } Here are a series of exercises on finding supernovae, starting with simple specially prepared images and progressing to real life image analyses. Materials I.  Comparing Images By Subtracting Our first exercise uses two images for which Aligning, Subtracting Sky Background, and Normalizing Brightness are not necessary.  We […]

AC6. Supernovae: Dramatic Change in Stars

Chapter 6 { A Changing Cosmos Contents } I. What’s a Supernova? We usually think of stars as very stable and constant things. Suppose you were out looking at the sky on a dark, starry night, and suddenly you saw a star that wasn’t there a moment earlier! You might think your eyes were playing […]

AC5.4. HR Diagrams of Star Clusters

{ A Changing Cosmos Contents } { All GSS Books } This investigation is based on activity “Explore the Life Cycle of Stars using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey” by Jordan Raddick (Johns Hopkins University), Theresa Moody, and Dr. Wil van der Veen (New Jersey Astronomy Center). For a related investigation in which […]

AC5.3. Measuring the Color of Stars

Investigation 5.3 { A Changing Cosmos Contents } Materials target star in B target star in V  standard star in B  standard star in V  btarg1 vtarg1 btarg1 vtarg1 btarg2 vtarg2 btarg2 vtarg2 btarg3 vtarg3 btarg3 vtarg3 btarg4 vtarg4 btarg4 vtarg4 Activity In this activity you will determine the color of stars that have been […]

AC5.2. How Filters Work

{ A Changing Cosmos Contents } { All GSS Books } Based on GEMS Color Analyzers activities and work by Elizabeth E. Roettger, Vivian Hoette, and Kevin McCarron. Use colored filters to decode secret messages, look at rainbows, and learn how astronomers can decode information from the sky. Materials Filters – Roscolux: Medium Red #27, […]

AC5.1. Observing Color and Temperature

{ A Changing Cosmos Contents } { All GSS Books } A star’s color is a direct effect of the temperature at its surface.  To understand this look at an incandescent light controlled by a dimmer or rheostat.  As the setting of the dimmer changes, thus changing the current to the light bulb and therefore […]

AC5. Color, Temperature, and Age of Stars

Chapter 5 { A Changing Cosmos Contents } I. Filters Filters are used on telescopes to determine the brightness of an object in a specific color. One use of this information is to estimate the color of stars. Astronomers generally use a set of standard filters, meaning that the color of light each filter lets […]

AC4.1.2. The Parallax of Asteroid Austria

{ A Changing Cosmos Contents } { All GSS Books } by Rich Lohman Materials Image Processing software such as JS (online app) – JS9-HOU – SalsaJ available from European HOU site Images: Background:   Many of the asteroids which circle the sun are located in the region between the orbits of Mars […]

AC4.1.1. Distance to Asteroid1998wt

{ A Changing Cosmos Contents } { All GSS Books } by Rich Lohman Materials Image Processing software such as JS (online app) – JS9-HOU – SalsaJ available from European HOU site Images :  (4.2 Mb; FITS)  (840 Kb) Introduction On March 4, 2005, telescopes from two different observatories in the United […]