
{ GSS Books }
The people who made the
Global Systems Science books possible
On this page:
Staff – Reviewers – Advisors – Teachers – Support
GSS Staff
Director: Alan Gould
Series Authors:
Richard Golden Alan Gould Cary Sneider John Michael Seltzer | Eloise Farmer Karen Hoffman John Erickson Sylvia Velasquez | John Pickle Ted Robertson Brian Rogan Joe Snider |
TERC Authors: Jodi Asbel-Clarke, Tim Barclay (Hands-On Universe Project)
Editors: Kay Fairwell Carl Babcock
Librarian: Marian Drabkin
Harriette Searle Miho Rahm Precious Perry | Jennifer Yim Peggy Storrs Andrys Basten | Hemma Mistry Fiona Potter Lucy Liu |
Design: Jim Hurd Design
Illustrations: Audre Newman Alan Gould Neeraja Venkateswaran Cary Sneider Liz Unger
Staff – Reviewers – Advisors – Teachers – Support
Reviewers by Book
A Changing Cosmos
The following individuals reviewed all or part of A Changing Cosmos and provided feedback and suggestions:
Carleton Pennypacker, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Michael Kran, Amateur Astronomer
Tom Morin, Belmont High School, New Hampshire.
Kristin Nagy-Katz, Evaluator, Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley
A New World View
Fritjof Capra, physicist and author, Berkeley, California
Reginald Barrett, Forest Ecologist, University of California, Berkeley, California
Thomas Suchanek, Aquatic Ecologist, University of California, Davis, California
Susan Ustin, Forest Ecologist, University of California, Davis, California
Ted Nordhaus, Headwaters Sanctuary Project, Berkeley, California
Mary Bullwinkel, Director of Communications, The Pacific Lumber Company, Scotia, California
David Shaw, Site Director, Wind River Canopy Crane Research Facility, Carson, Washington
Earl Ford, Ecosystem Staff Officer, Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Vancouver, WashingtonAssistance was also provided by: Nahid Khazenie, Elizabeth Carter, Marian Diamond, Chelsea Eis, Gabriel Grinder, Fernando Gruas, Scott Stowell, Jacqueline Barber, Lincoln Bergman, Tim Barnett, Lynn Talley, Ali Omar, John Chin, Elmer Robinson, Tracy Yokoi, Tom Sawyer, Arn Hayden, and Peter Epstein.
ABCs of Digital Earth Watch
We would like to thank the talented people who have reviewed the written materials, software activities, and/or hands-on activities. Their insightful comments and suggestions have been incorporated in this version.
Staff at the Museum of Science, Boston
Cary Sneider, Brian Rogan, David Rabkin, Lesley Kennedy, Ling Hsaio, Emily Simpson, Michael Schiess, Suzanne Spring, Nina Nolan, Ellen Busher, Loren Stolow, Alissa Flowers Nicol, Bill Waller, Adetunji Onamade, Marianne Dunne, Daisy Frederick, Marc Klureza, Susan Timberlake, Ingeborg Endter, Bob Bonazoli, Matt Pacewicz, David Sittenfeld, Eric Workman, Carolyn Kirdahy, Maureen McConnell, Sue Stoessel, David Cantor-Adams, Sharon Horrigan, Henry Robinson, Lynn Baum, Jeannine Trezvant, Robert Greene, Marion Tomusiak, and Cathy Clemens.
Visiting at the Museum of Science
Steve McDonald, UMASS Boston; Candace Julyan, Educator; Kathy Cunningham and Matt Amengual, GIS specialists; Momcilo Babic, Plant Geneticist; Beth Nicholson, Chairperson, Save the Harbor, Save the Bay; Teon Edwards, Remote Sensing Specialist at TERC; Crystal Schaaf, Remote Sensing Scientist, Boston University; Bill Lawler, education specialist in technology and computers; Dona Gartrell, President of The Learning Community Group; Don McCasland, Educator, Blue Hill Observatory, Milton, MA; Abbie Nguyen, Fenway High School, MA; Jack Sheridan, Science Supervisor for Boston Public Schools; Jodi Davenport, PhD student in Perception, MIT; and Mary O’Connor, Environmental Defense Fund.
Teachers of the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance, Augusta, Maine
Page Keeley, Janre Mullins, Dalene Dutton, Tom Stocker, Laurie Haines, Tom Stocker, Michael G. McGraw, Rachel Madison, Laurie Spooner, Deb Avalone-King, Marianne Dubois, Kathy Hockman, Shawn Carlson, Ralph F. Keyes, Kelly Dole, Matthew Geary, Kim Glidden, Susan Klemmer, Steven Knowles, and Harold B. Mosher.
Remote Sensing Specialists, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., Lexington, MA
Gary Gustafson, Robert D’Entremont, Jennifer Hegarty, Alan Lipton, Mark Leidner, and Rick Rosen.
Digital Earth Watch ProjectPartners
University of Maine: Jeff Beaudry
University of New Hampshire: Rita Freuder, Annette Schloss, Barry Rock, Mike Gagnon, William Armstrong
Indiana State University: Paul Mausel, Dennis Skelton, Nelson Dias, Vijay Lula.
Climate Change
Dian Gaffen, Air Resources Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Michael McCracken, science coordinator of the U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, D.C.
Steven Seidel, White House Council on Environmental Quality, The White House, Washington, D.C.
Cameron Wake, Climate Change Research Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire.
Assistance was also provided by: Nahid Khazenie, Elizabeth Carter, Marian Diamond, Chelsea Eis, Gabriel Grinder, Fernando Gruas, Scott Stowell, Jacqueline Barber, Lincoln Bergman, Tim Barnett, Lynn Talley, Ali Omar, John Chin, Elmer Robinson, Tracy Yokoi, Tom Sawyer, Arn Hayden, and Peter Epstein.
Energy Flow
Dr. Joseph Snider, Oberlin College, Ohio
Dr. Janet Luhmann, solar scientist at the Space Science Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley.
Energy Use
Mary Anne Piette, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Berkeley, California
Dr. Joseph Snider, Oberlin College, Ohio
Life and Climate
Nina Catubig Nolan, formerly an environmental scientist, currently an instructor at the Museum of Science, Boston, MA.
John Pickle, formerly an atmospheric scientist at Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., Lexington, MA, and currently a creator of on-line education materials at the Museum of Science, Boston, MA.
Assistance on this volume was also provided by
Kathleen Crane, Professor of Oceanography, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C.
Losing Biodiversity
We especially want to thank the following individuals who provided resource materials and reviewed Losing Biodiversity: Reginald H. Barrett, Elizabeth Collier, Mary Connolly, Jerry DeSilva, Eloise Farmer, Harold H. Heady, Margaret Race, Esther Railton-Rice, and James D. Yoakum.
Sam Albrecht of the National Bison Association reviewed Chapter 2, “Return from Near Extinction.” Brian Walton, Janet Linthicum and the staff of the Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group spent a day sharing the very inspiring research story behind peregrine falcon restoration efforts. Photographs from the SCPBRG web site are included in Chapter 6, “Field Trip to the Predatory Bird Research Group.” Art Sussman generously allowed us to reproduce the “Biodiversity vs. Time” graph from Dr. Art’s Guide to Planet Earth. Aileen Shieu and Araceli Curiel-Alvarez assisted with editing and graphics.
Malcolm Ko, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts.
Hillary Snell, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts.
Courtney Scott, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts.
Staff – Reviewers – Advisors – Teachers – Support
GSS Advisors
Hans Anderson, president, National Science Teachers Association, Washington, D.C.
Roger Bybee, executive director, Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education, National Research Council, Washington, D.C.
Victor J. Mayer, Earth Systems Education Program, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Senta Raizen, director, National Center for Improving Science, Education, Washington, D.C.
F. James Rutherford, director, Project 2061, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C.
Steven Schneider, professor, Department of Biological Sciences and Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, California
Herbert Thier, director, Science Education for Public Understanding of Science (SEPUP) Project, Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California
Staff – Reviewers – Advisors – Teachers – Support
Thanks to Teacher Reviewers
Development of the Global Systems Science course would not have been possible without the creative input of the more than 150 teachers, listed below, who suggested improvements in the printed materials, and developed new laboratory activities. We are indebted to them and to their students, who helped to test the course materials.
Tracey Ackerman Mother of Mercy H.S. Cincinnati, Ohio Terry Anderson NRHEG High School New Richland, Minn. Martha Andreski North Springs H.S. Atlanta, Georgia Jay Atkins Director of Education Winston-Salem, North Carolina Valerie Ayala Valley High School Sacramento, California Janet Baker Tucson High Magnet Tucson, Arizona Linda Baker Davis High School Davis, California Bob Banõs Lowell High School San Francisco, California Gary Barrigar Elizabethton H.S. Elizabethton, Tennessee James Beaber Fort Lupton H.S. Fort Lupton, Colorado Richard Beadle Spokane School Dist. Spokane, Washington Arnold Beckerman Jamaica High School Jamaica, New York Larry Beeson North High School Sioux, Iowa Doug Bell Centennial H.S. Gresham, Oregon. Deborah Bennett Hamilton County H.S. Jasper, Florida Joan Bennett Baton Rouge Magnet H.S. Baton Rouge, Louisana Dianne Bernaciak Hudson High School Hudson, Ohio Charles Berry Eastwood H.S. El Paso, Texas Daphne Blyden Boschulte J.H.S. St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands Burt Blumkin New Rochelle H.S. New Rochelle, New York Susan Boone Elk Grove H.S. Elk Grove, California Daniel Borick Norcum High School Portsmouth, Virginia Evelyn Bradshaw Cleveland Hts. H.S. Cleveland Hts., Ohio Gayle Brickert-Albrecht Tucson Magnet H.S. Tucson, Arizona Patricia Brown Brownell-Talbot H.S. Omaha, Nebraska Sarah E. R. Brown Phelps Career H.S. Washington, D.C. Lori Bryner-Goldstein Northglenn H.S. Northglenn, Colorado Gro Buer BEST Alternative H.S. Kirkland, Washington Keith Camburn West Mecklenburg H.S. Charlotte, North Carolina Joycelin Cayetano Polytechnic H.S. Sun Valley, California Alan Chan Glencoe High School Hillsboro, Oregon. Jayson Chang Concord High School Concord, California John G. Clarke Tewksbury H.S. Tewksbury, Massachusetts Dora J. Coleman Provine H.S. Jackson, Mississippi Gerard Collins Wakefield H.S. Arlington, Virginia Paul Conway Glendale Jr/Sr H.S. Flinton, Pennsylvania Gary Courts Miamisburg H.S. Miamisburg, Ohio Deborah Crough Saddleback H.S. Santa Ana, California | Linda Culp Thorndale H.S. Thorndale, Texas Bonita Deiter Jefferson W. H.S. Meriden, Kansas Don Deresz Ctr. Environmental Ed. Miami, Florida Christine Donovan Sunnyside H.S. Tucson, Arizona Jimmy Early Van Horn Eng./Tech Independence, Missouri Tom Estill Lyme School Lyme, New Hampshire Christine Falta Englewood H.S. Englewood, Colorado Eloise Farmer Torrington High Torrington, Conneticut William Feddeler Macomb MSTC Warren, Michigan Aaron Feik Northshore Schools Bothell, Washington Neil Fetter Drew College Prep San Francisco. California Kathleen Field Haverhill H.S. Haverhill, Massachusetts Sharon Fisher North High School Des Moines, Iowa H.L. Flisser Scarsdale M.S Scarsdale, New York Adele Gomez St. John’s School San Juan, Puerto Rico Kathleen Green Hillsboro High School Beloit, Wisconsin Susan R. Green Miami Beach Sr H.S. Miami Beach, Florida Joni Grisham Pittsburg High School Pittsburg, California William Hanneken Turpin High School Cincinnati, Ohio Manisha Hariani Roanoke Valley School Roanoke, Virginia Thomas Havel Stadium High School Tacoma, Washington Elizabeth Hedgepeth Mt. Ararat School Topsham, Maine Sharon Heineman Sabinal High School Sabinal, Texas Charlsa Henderson Wellington High Wellington, Florida Dean Heyenga Oceanside High Leucadia, California Lynn Higgins Proviso Twnship H.S. Maywood, Illinois Linda Hill Bothel High School Bothell, Washington Steve Hilton L.H. Watkins H.S. St. Louis, Missouri Phyllis Hoar G H Braddock Sr. H.S. Miami, Florida Glenda Holmes Wilson Senior H.S. Washington, D.C. Jennifer Huntsperger Gadsden H.S. Anthony, New Mexico Chad Husting Bishop Fenwick H.S. Middletown, Ohio Matt Huston Flint Hill School Oakton, Virginia Craig Huff University High Irvine, California James Ingram San Andreas H.S. Holister, California Teresa Jimarez Coronado H.S. El Paso, Texas Elizabeth Jones Springbrook H.S. Silver Springs, Maryland Connie Jones Enka High School Enka, North Carolina Dean Karagianes Mira Loma H.S. Sacramento, California Carl Katsu Fairfields Area School District Fairfield, Pennsylvania Arnold Kaufman Jefferson High School Brooklyn, New York | LaToy Kennedy GAMSEC-MC A&T State Greendboro, North Carolina Hellon Key Oakland Technical High Oakland, California Rick Kincaid Glenelg High School Glenelg, Maryland Wesley Knapp Scotia-Glenville Schools Scotia, New York Marjory Knights MacArthur Sr. N. H.S. Hialeah, Florida Frank Kowalczyk State College High State College, Pennsylvania Al Krulock Mission High School Mission, Texas Joseph Krupens Bell J. High School San Diego, California R. James Kurtz Univ. Detroit Jesuit H.S. Detroit, Michigan Victoria Lamkey Wichita N. High School Wichita, Kansas Peter Leddy Norton High School Norton, Massachusetts Steve Lege Davis Senior H.S. Davis, California Angela Lewis Stoneman High School Parkland, Florida Jim Lockard Shawnee Mission E. H.S. Prarie Village, Kansas Janice Lord-Walker Skyline High School Oakland, California Kerry Lohr Highline High School Seattle, Washington James Lucey Wilton High School Wilton, Conneticut Melissa Marchino Heritage High School Littleton, Colorado Michael Martin Iowa City Schools Iowa City, Iowa Carl Max Los Alamos H.S. Los Alamos, New Mexico Megan McCarthy Kingston Junior High Kingston, Washington Elizabeth McCullough Thomas Johnson H.S. Frederocl, Maryland Jake McDermott Brattleboro Union H.S. Brattleboro, Vermont Robin McGlohn Burton Academy San Francisco, California Nancy McIntyre Chaminade College Prep West Hills, California Donna Millett Attleboro High School Attleboro, Massachusetts Hector Montano Canutillo High School Canutillo, Texas Catalina Moreno Boston Public Schools Boston, Massachusetts Donna Morey Fair High School Little Rock, Arkansas Isabella Morrison Shorewood H.S. Seattle, Washington Sandra Morrow Hot Springs H.S. Truth or Consquences, New Mexico Cindy Y. H. Moss Cicero-N. Syracuse H.S. Cicero, New York Irene Munoz North CarolinaaliforniaR Boulder, Colorado Stephen Nakano Waipahu High School Waipahu, Hawaii Patricia Owens Homewood H.S. Birmingham, Alabama Shelly Pelham Garrison Forest School Owings Mills, Maryland Glenda Pepin Dorsey H.S. Los Angeles, California Kenneth Pitman Heritage High School Littleton, Colorado David Podd Rio Tierra J.H.S. Sacramento, California Gilbert Richardson Shabazz High School Madison, Wisconsin Amy Ryken Berkeley High School Berkeley, California Faimon Roberts LSU Lab School Baton Rouge, Louisiana Robena Robinett North Caroline H.S. Ridgely, Maryland | Brian Rogan Dublin Schoo l Dublin, New Hampshire Lina Russ Alice Deal H.S. Washington, D.C. Thomas Russell San Pedro High School San Pedro, California Fernando Salvador City as School H.S. New York, New York Sallie Sanders North Atlanta H.S. Atlanta, Georgia Erin Servillo-Gross AIM Center Trenton, New Jersey Alan Sills West Essex Reg. H.S. North Caldwell, New Jersey L. Trevor Smith Troy High School Troy, Michigan Doug Squire Union H.S. Union, Oregon Joseph Stanislaus Samoa High School Pago Pago, American Samoa John Stegmaier Gunnison High School Gunnison, Colorado Thelma Stepan Holy Cross H.S. Waterbury, Conneticut Michelle Stern Terra Linda H.S. San Rafael, California Elizabeth Stewart Westside High School Memphis, Tennessee Ellen Strother-Pitts Western Sr. H.S. Baltimore, Maryland Richard Sturgeon Glastonbury High Glastonbury, Conneticut Cindy Suchanek Mira Loma H.S. Sacramento, California Christopher Sullivan E. Longmeadow H.S. E. Longmeadow, Massachusetts Irene Swanson Northridge High Northridge, California Teresa Thompson Grapevine H.S. Grapevine, Texas Jane Ann Toth East High School Kansas City, Missouri Louis Tremblay Avon High School Avon, Conneticut Jon Valasek School for Math/Sci. Columbus, Mississippi Larry Walker Academy of Sci/Tech Conroe, Texas Charles Walsh Vianney High School St. Louis, Missouri Margery Weitkamp Chaminade College Prep. West Hills, California Tom Wellington Wilton High School Wilton, Conneticut Tom Wellnitz Shore Country School Beverly, Massachusetts Fred Wetzel Science Hill H.S. Johnson City, Tennessee Jane Whitaker Lenoir City H.S. Lenoir, Tennessee Rich White Cholla High School Tucson, Arizona Patrick Wildermuth Lowell High School San Francisco, California Belinda Wight John T. Hoggard H.S. Wilmington, North Carolina Peter Wilding San Rafael H.S. San Rafael, California Bill Williams Williamsburg Scools Williamsburg, Virginia Rocky Wolf Sonora High School Sonora, California Agnes Wu Greyhills High School Tuba City, Arizona Ron Yob Native American Learning Center Grand Rapids, Michigan Jonathan Yoder North Salem High School Salem, Oregon. Paul Zastrow Hood River Valley High Hood River, Oregon. Anne Zellinger Kahuku High School Kahuku, Hawaii Glenn Zwanzig DuPont Manual H.S. Louisville, Kentucky |
Staff – Reviewers – Advisors – Teachers – Support
Sources of Support
NIGEC. Development and publication of the Global Systems Science series was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Institute for Global Environmental Change (NIGEC) through the NIGEC Western Regional Center (WESTGEC) at the University of California, Davis (DOE Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC03-90ER61010). Noreen Dowling, Joseph Knox, Linda Ono, and Thomas Suchanek provided assistance to this project on behalf of NIGEC and WESTGEC.
NSF. The opportunity to involve high school teachers in the development of this project was made possible by a grant from the Teacher Enhancement Program of the National Science Foundation (Grant #TPE 9155393). This grant enabled us to invite 125 teachers to test these materials with their students, then come to Berkeley for three weeks, where they reported on trial test results, suggested improvements in the printed materials, and developed new laboratory activities. We are indebted to Larry G. Enochs and Wayne Sukow, Program Directors of the National Science Foundation, as well as to many teachers and students whose insights, ideas, and hard work have helped bring the GSS series to fruition.
NASA. Support from NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) has included printing and distribution of the GSS Books under a Memorandum of Understanding between NASA and the University of California at Berkeley. Nahid Khazenie provided assistance on behalf of NASA/ESE. NASA ESE also funded the enhancement of GSS to make it part of the Digital Library for Earth System Education ( Financial support does not constitute an endorsement by DOE, NSF, or NASA of the views expressed in this book.