About Lifelines for High School Climate Change Education Leaders
The Lifelines for High School Climate Change Education project first recruited Professional Learning Community (PLC) Leaders help member teachers later recruited in this project to share their course outlines and how climate change subjects fit in to those courses.
Principal Investigator: Alan Gould, Lawrence Hall of Science, Global Systems Science Project

Online Communication Tools Tested
(Adobe Connect, Facebook, Google Hangouts, Google Sites, ReadyTalk, Skype)
PLC Leaders (individual web pages linked here as PDFs):
- Alan Gould
- Andre Pineda
- Billy Goodman
- Charlene Olson
- Cris DeWolf
- David Bydlowski
Slide sets: iPad and Climate Change
Investigating Climate Change and Remote Sensing - Don Duggan-Haas
- Emily Sherman
- Eric Walters
- Fran Hess
- Gary Bent
Slide sets: Equilibrium Temperature of the Earth, Equilibrium Temperature with Greenhouse Gases,
Greenhouse Gases, Predicting the Future, Skeptics, Temperature of the Earth
Labs: Effects of CO2, Greenhouse, Light Intensity and its Dependence on Angle,
Measuring the Solar Constant and the Sun’s Temperature, Teacher’s Notes for Solar Constant Lab - Jennifer Harold
- Jim McDonald
- John Shribbs
Resources: Global Winds, Motion of the Oceans, Structure of the Atmosphere, Ozone,
Biogeochemical Cycles Quiz, The Water Cycle, California Earth Science Standards Gr 9-12,
1998 CA Science Standards K-12, Heat Post Test, Climate Change: Background Concepts,
Vocabulary, Geologic Time Scale Lab, Geologic Time Scale Pie Charts, Geologic Time Essay,
Weather and Climate Test, Weather and Climate Test Review - Laurel Kohl
- Marc Reif
- Marcia Powell
- Michael Benjamin
- Michael Tally
- Patti Cook
GSU NASA grant team, PLC Member Interest Form, GSU recruitment flier, Slides re: GSU grant
2011 Meeting Notes: Jan 26, Feb 22, Apr 19 - Sheila Scanlan
- Stephanie Chasteen & David Swartz
- Tom Green
- William Richards
The Leaders’ site also included
- Meeting Notes
- Photo Name Tags
- PLC Challenges (and solutions)
- PLC Websites (now inactive)
- Presentations: For the Lifelines project; Beyond the Lifelines project
- Recruitment progress; Recruitment flier; How participants joined Lifelines