CC7C. Stay Current—What Is the Controversy About?

Staying current for Chapter 7 { Climate Change Contents } See non-chronological resources (bottom of page). 2024-07-24. The Southern Ocean is soaking up more emissions than we thought. By Yuanxu Dong et al, Science. Summary: It’s no secret that the ocean is a big help when it comes to curbing climate change, absorbing carbon and locking much of […]

CC6C. Stay Current—How Is the Atmosphere Changing?

Staying current for Chapter 6. { Climate Change Contents } See non-chronological resources (bottom of page). 2024-06-06. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are surging “faster than ever” to beyond anything humans ever experienced, officials say. By Li Cohen, CBS News. Excerpt: Carbon dioxide, the gas that accounts for the majority of global warming caused by human […]

CC5C. Stay Current—How Is Carbon Dioxide Measured?

Staying current for Chapter 5. { Climate Change Contents } See Non-chronological resources for this chapter (bottom of page). 2023-02-06. Battling Lava and Snowstorms, 2.5 Miles Above the Pacific. [] By Raymond Zhong, The New York Times. Excerpt: Two and a half miles above the Pacific, with the combined exhalations of a vast swath of […]

AC9C. Stay Current—Cosmos Begins… and Ends?

Staying current for Chapter 9 { A Changing Cosmos Contents } The Mysteries of the Cosmos – a panel discussion with astronomers Phil Plait, Mike Brown, Debra Fischer, Andrea Ghez, and Saul Perlmutter. Topics: newly discovered solar system objects; the black hole in our galaxy; expansion of our universe. 2024-08-09. Milky Way may escape fated collision […]

AC8C. Stay Current—Search for Habitable Planets

Staying current for Chapter 8 { A Changing Cosmos Contents } Articles from 2008–present NASA’s Kepler mission (to find Earth size planets in the habitable zones of stars): see also PASS Kepler page, archive of Kepler News stories, and (Kepler education website).  For the Exoplanet Transits investigation, data to generate a light curves for various exoplanets: 2024-08-27. […]

AC7C. Stay Current—Planet-Star Systems

Staying current for Chapter 7 { A Changing Cosmos Contents } See also articles from 2008–2020. Asteroid visualization (YouTube) – an animation of the solar system showing asteroid discoveries starting in 1980. Earth Crossers are Red. Earth Approachers (Perihelion less than 1.3AU) are Yellow. All Others are Green. Articles from 2021–present 2024-08-12. Liquid water in the […]

AC6C. Stay Current—Dramatic Change in Stars

Staying current for Chapter 6 { A Changing Cosmos Contents } Articles from 2006–present 2024-06-28. If Betelgeuse Explodes, Just How Bright Will It Get? By RHETT ALLAIN, Wired. Excerpt: Betelgeuse, …red supergiant has dimmed repeatedly in the past few years, which could mean that it’s ready to go full supernova quite soon—and by “soon” we […]

AC5C. Stay Current—Color, Temperature & Age of Stars

Staying current for Chapter 5 { A Changing Cosmos Contents } Articles from 2011–present 2011-05-25. NASA’s Kepler Yields the Next Harvest: A bounty of findings delivered at the 218th Meeting of the AAS in Boston. Kepler News. Excerpt: Soeren Meibom, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, is studying the stars… in the Kepler field of view. There […]

AC4C. Stay Current—Fathoming Huge Distances

Staying current for Chapter 4 { A Changing Cosmos Contents } Articles from 2009–present 2016-12-30. Astronomer Edwin Hubble announced the discovery of other galaxies beyond the Milky Way on this date in 1924. By Writer’s Almanac. Excerpt: …Before he made his discovery, everyone thought that our Milky Way galaxy was the only galaxy in the universe, and […]

AC3C. Stay Current—Cosmic Engines

Staying current for Chapter 3 { A Changing Cosmos Contents } Articles from 2005–present 2024-01-04. Mapping the Moon to Shield Astronauts from Radiation. [] By Sierra Bouchér, Eos/AGU. Excerpt: In October 1989, the Sun spit a blast of high-energy particles into the solar system. Earth’s protective magnetic field kept us safe, but the Moon received […]