LC8C. Stay Current—Highs and Lows Over the Past 750 Million Years

Staying current for Chapter 8 See non-chronological resources (bottom of this page) { Life and Climate Contents } 2023-07-12. Massive lava outburst may have led to Snowball Earth. [] By Maia Wei-Haas, Science. Excerpt: About 717 million years ago, a climate catastrophe struck the planet, as temperatures plunged and glaciers enveloped the globe. The cause […]

LC7C. Stay Current—Earth’s Shifting Crust

Stay current for chapter 7 { Life and Climate Contents } 2024-08-26. Near-Identical Dinosaur Tracks On Separate Continents Reveal Seismic Split 140 Million Years Ago. By Francesca Benson, IFLSCIENCE. Excerpt: racks of near-identical dinosaur prints have been found across two continents, demonstrating how the dinosaurs that made them 120 million years ago were among the last to […]

LC6C. Stay Current—How and When Did Complex Life Begin?

Stay current for chapter 6 { Life and Climate Contents } Understanding Evolution – a one-stop source for information on evolution.2019-11-14. Alien genes from bacteria helped plants conquer the land. By Elizabeth Pennisi, Science Magazine.  2024-03-07. Peering into the past to identify the species most at risk from climate change. [] By Erin Saupe, Cooper Malanoski, et al, […]

LC5C. Stay Current—The Origin of Our Oxygen-Rich Atmosphere

Stay current for chapter 5 { Life and Climate Contents } 2021-09-03. Longer Days Likely Boosted Earth’s Early Oxygen. Source: By Damond Benningfield, Eos/AGU. Excerpt: Microbial mats in a Lake Huron sinkhole, combined with modeling work, suggest that the changing length of Earth’s day could have played a key role in oxygenating the atmosphere.… [] […]

LC4C. Stay Current—The Beginning of Life on Earth

Stay current for chapter 4 { Life and Climate Contents } 2024-07-12. Our last common ancestor lived 4.2 billion years ago—perhaps hundreds of millions of years earlier than thought. By ROBERT F. SERVICE, Science. Excerpt: The last ancestor shared by all living organisms was a microbe that lived 4.2 billion years ago, had a fairly […]

LC2C. Stay Current—Where Does Earth’s Atmosphere Come From?

Staying current with chapter 2 { Life and Climate Contents } 2016-05-09. Earth’s ancient atmosphere was half as thick as it is today. By Roland Pease, Science. Excerpt: …very little is known about how thick Earth’s ancient atmosphere once was. Now, a new study suggests that Earth’s atmosphere 2.7 billion years ago was between a quarter to […]

CC10C. Staying Current—What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 10 See non-chronological resources Articles from: {2022}-{2021}-{2020}-{2012–2019}-{2008–2011}-{2001–2007} { Climate Change Contents } Articles from 2023–24 (most recent) 2024-08-29. Sinking seaweed. By Warren Cornwall, Science. Excerpt: …the potential benefits and risks of a controversial idea: growing seaweed to fight climate change. The concept has generated enthusiasm among entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and some scientists. They […]

CC10C. 2020-What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 10 Articles from 2020 Stay current index page for Chapter 10 { Climate Change Contents } 2022-08-20. Diet for a hotter climate: five plants that could help feed the world. [] By Cecilia Nowell, The Guardian. Excerpt: Over the course of human history, scientists believe that humans have cultivated more than 6,000 […]

CC10C. 2012-What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 10 Articles from 2012–2019 Stay current index page for Chapter 10 { Climate Change Contents } 2019-12-29. Our Cherished Rivers Are Under Threat. By Macarena Soler, Monti Aguirre and Juan Pablo Orrego, The New York Times (Opinion).  [] Excerpt: … rivers, like many worldwide, have been threatened by dam projects that aim […]

CC10C. 2001-2007-What Do You Think About Global Climate Change?

Staying current for Chapter 10 Articles from 2001–2007 Stay current index page for Chapter 10 { Climate Change Contents } 2007 November 28. McKinsey Report on Carbon Reductions.2007 November 20. “The Sky is Falling.” Short video that won the Ecospot Award. 2007 December 10. Al Gore’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech. 2007 December 3. Climate Talks Take on Added Urgency After Report. By […]