Category: Climate Change
CC7C. Stay Current—What Is the Controversy About?
Staying current for Chapter 7 { Climate Change Contents } See non-chronological resources (bottom of page). 2024-07-24. The Southern Ocean is soaking up more emissions than we thought. By Yuanxu Dong et al, Science. Summary: It’s no secret that the ocean is a big help when it comes to curbing climate change, absorbing carbon and locking much of […]
CC6C. Stay Current—How Is the Atmosphere Changing?
Staying current for Chapter 6. { Climate Change Contents } See non-chronological resources (bottom of page). 2024-06-06. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are surging “faster than ever” to beyond anything humans ever experienced, officials say. By Li Cohen, CBS News. Excerpt: Carbon dioxide, the gas that accounts for the majority of global warming caused by human […]
CC5C. Stay Current—How Is Carbon Dioxide Measured?
Staying current for Chapter 5. { Climate Change Contents } See Non-chronological resources for this chapter (bottom of page). 2023-02-06. Battling Lava and Snowstorms, 2.5 Miles Above the Pacific. [] By Raymond Zhong, The New York Times. Excerpt: Two and a half miles above the Pacific, with the combined exhalations of a vast swath of […]
CC3C. Stay Current—What Are the Greenhouse Gases?
Staying current for Chapter 3 { Climate Change Contents } See Non-chronological resources for this chapter (bottom of page). 2024-10-04. Exported gas produces far worse emissions than coal, major study finds. By Oliver Milman, The Guardian. Excerpt: Exported gas emits far more greenhouse gas emissions than coal, despite fossil-fuel industry claims it is a cleaner […]
CC2C. Stay Current—What’s So Special About CO2?
Staying current for Chapter 2. { Climate Change Contents } See non-chronological resources for this chapter (bottom of page). 2016-12-13. NASA Releases New Eye-Popping View of Carbon Dioxide. By NASA. Excerpt: …The 3-D visualization reveals in startling detail the complex patterns in which carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, decreases and moves around the globe over […]
CC1C. Stay Current—What Is the Greenhouse Effect?
Staying current for Chapter 1 { Climate Change Contents } Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change and the greenhouse effect. [] Youtube. 2021-10-05. Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded for Study of Humanity’s Role in Changing Climate. Source: By Cade Metz, Marc Santora and Cora Engelbrecht, The New York Times. Excerpt: The work of Syukuro […]
CC10.4. Your Vote on Energy Measures
{ Climate Change Contents } { All GSS Books } Most laws are made to promote the well-being of the country’s citizens, but in practice, it is not that simple. Legislators and voters must ask, “Whose well-being are we looking out for, and what is the best way to accomplish our goals?” There are often […]
CC10. What Do YOU Think About Climate Change?
Chapter 10 { Climate Change Contents } We have considered actions by the U.S. government and other governments to slow global climate change. It’s important to recognize, however, that it is not just government officials who can make a difference. Every person in the world contributes to the changing atmosphere, and people in industrialized countries […]
CC9.2. U.S. and Kyoto
{ Climate Change Contents } { All GSS Books } In the United States, the Kyoto Protocol received mixed reviews. President Clinton signed the agreement. However, in order to have the force of law, the protocol needed to be ratified by two-thirds of the 100 members of the Senate. Various views were expressed. Sen. Joseph […]
CC9.1. Congressional Hearing, 1993
{ Climate Change Contents } { All GSS Books } In November 1993, a Congressional hearing was conducted to consider the president’s plan. The people asking questions are members of Congress—not scientists. They ask and expect the scientists to give them answers they can understand. Although this material is now more historical in nature, the […]