AN5. Losing Tropical Rainforests

Chapter 5 { A New World View Contents } When thinking of the world as interwoven systems it’s easy to understand that places really remote from us can have rather direct effects on our daily lives. Most people in the United States don’t think of ecology in Brazil, New Guinea, or Australia as affecting them […]

AN2.1. Investigation: Tree Impact Study

{ A New World View Contents } { All GSS Books } As you’ve seen, people’s perception of trees have changed over the past 200 years.  The first white settlers saw the forests as barriers to travel; then as sources of building materials and personal wealth.  More recently, some have recognized the special role that […]

AN1.1. Investigation: Create Your Own Ecosystem

{ A New World View Contents } { All GSS Books } Life has adapted to many different kinds of environments. There are tiny plants and animals that live on frozen glaciers. Giant tube worms and other strange plants and animals live deep in the ocean, where no sunlight penetrates, but where volcanic vents provide […]

1 Circle from 3

Challenge using DigitalImageBasics SoftwareChange the colors of this picture so one yellow circle is displayed on a completely black background.To find this picture, use the “Colors” window in DigitalImageBasics and select the picture “Sample: Color Circles 1″There are three solutions to this challenge.See the tutorial on DigitalImageBasics for guidance. DigitalImageBasics is available in the DEW software bundle. Bonus Challenge: Display only one white circle on a black background. […]