AN1.1. Investigation: Create Your Own Ecosystem

{ A New World View Contents } { All GSS Books } Life has adapted to many different kinds of environments. There are tiny plants and animals that live on frozen glaciers. Giant tube worms and other strange plants and animals live deep in the ocean, where no sunlight penetrates, but where volcanic vents provide […]

AN2. A History of Forest Use in the Pacific Northwest

Chapter 2 { A New World View Contents } Just as you are creating changes in your “ecosystem in a bottle,” humans are changing the ecosystems of the world’s forests.  This chapter summarizes the history of those changes. In the year 1800, approximately 1 billion people lived on our planet.  Now we number nearly 6 […]

AN1. What Is Global Systems Science?

Chapter 1 { A New World View Contents } Global systems science is a new field of study about the interactions between Earth’s natural systems and human activities.   The people who study global systems science draw on methods and theories of many different fields—from chemistry and biology to economics and politics—in order to predict how […]

A New World View

A New World View, the first of Four GSS Themes, introduces all of the other Guides in the Global Systems Science series. See Overview. Contents Chapter Titles Investigations Stay Current 1. What is Global Systems Science? 1.1. Create Your Own Ecosystem Chapter 1 2. A History of Forest Use in       the Pacific Northwest 2.1. Tree Study […]