AC3. Cosmic Engines

Chapter 3 { A Changing Cosmos Contents } At the beginning of this book, two of the three ways to “end life as we know it” were caused by dramatic changes that can happen at the end of star’s life, when it can swell up to enormous size in a red giant stage, or blow […]

AC2.3. Browsing The Universe

{ A Changing Cosmos Contents } { All GSS Books } There is a myriad variety of celestial objects. Astronomers delight in describing, classifying, and naming them, but also grapple with trying to explain why they look the way they do.  Materials Part I: Browse 2.19. Using each of the files, browser1 through browser7, use and familiarize yourself […]

AC2.2. CCD Image Color Coding

{ A Changing Cosmos Contents } { All GSS Books } Materials copy of CCD simulation grid colored markers tape The images from the HOU telescopes are generated using a CCD camera. This kind of camera uses an electronic chip rather than the photosensitive chemical films used by regular cameras. The electronic chip is divided […]

AC2.1. Using Star Maps

Paper maps Three free paper (PDF) star maps that are good, produced for the current night sky, with new ones available each month are: What’s Out Tonight,, Beckstrom Observatory. Planispheres A planisphere is a version of star map that is adjustable for any day and any time. Standing here on Earth which is rotating, […]

AC2. Astronomers’ Tools

Chapter 2 { A Changing Cosmos Contents } Astronomers are very limited in ability to actually visit and explore their objects of interest. Humans have personally visited only one other body in the cosmos other than Earth: the Moon. We have sent spacecraft to most of the planets in our own solar system and received […]

AC1. Cosmic Cataclysms

{ A Changing Cosmos Contents } I. Mass Extinction We normally think of things in space as remote—not really affecting things around us. But there are some types of cosmic events that could really mess things up badly for us. In fossil records, there are many instances of species going extinct—apparently unable to cope with […]

A Changing Cosmos

A Changing Cosmos is the latest edition of the Hands-On Universe (HOU) astronomy curriculum series. It is a  compilation in a single book as the “Best” of the seven original HOU high school curriculum books developed by TERC*. See also: Solar System Science. Contents Chapter Titles Investigations Stay Current 1. Cosmic Cataclysms 1.1 Down2Earth Crater Impact Calculator Chapter […]