CC6C. Stay Current—How Is the Atmosphere Changing?

Staying current for Chapter 6. { Climate Change Contents } See non-chronological resources (bottom of page). 2024-06-06. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are surging “faster than ever” to beyond anything humans ever experienced, officials say. By Li Cohen, CBS News. Excerpt: Carbon dioxide, the gas that accounts for the majority of global warming caused by human […]

CC5C. Stay Current—How Is Carbon Dioxide Measured?

Staying current for Chapter 5. { Climate Change Contents } See Non-chronological resources for this chapter (bottom of page). 2023-02-06. Battling Lava and Snowstorms, 2.5 Miles Above the Pacific. [] By Raymond Zhong, The New York Times. Excerpt: Two and a half miles above the Pacific, with the combined exhalations of a vast swath of […]